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On Monday morning, Artie Fields, the City Manager of Inglewood, informed his staff of his departure

By: Eye On Inglewood Staff Writer

The City Manager of Inglewood has announced his retirement, which will be effective on December 29th.

Read the email below:

Team Inglewood,

By now, you may have heard that I will be retiring effective December 29, 2023.  I have enjoyed working for the City of Inglewood for more than 12 years and I am excited to move into the next chapter of my life that focuses on raising my son to be an outstanding young man.

I started my career in 1986 as an Intern with the City of Beverly Hills while getting my Master’s Degree in Public Administration at USC.  I went on to serve in various positions with the cities of Manhattan Beach, Pasadena, Pomona, San Leandro, West Covina, and Salinas.  Concluding my tenure as the Inglewood City Manager will serve as the pinnacle of my career.  In 2011, when I informed many of my colleagues that I would be applying for the City Manager position in Inglewood, they all attempted to discourage me from applying.  However, I have never been one to shy away from a challenge, so I accepted the job in the City of Inglewood and I am so grateful for all that I have learned and accomplished as part of the Inglewood team.  I can truly say that I have never worked with a more committed and intelligent group of employees over the course of my career.  All that has been accomplished during my tenure could not have been possible without the diligent efforts of each and every one of you. 

Success always starts at the top, and if it were not for the Mayor and City Council having the vision and fortitude to make tough decisions, we would still be struggling to overcome the challenges that had plagued this City for generations.  I am the second longest serving City Manager in the City’s history and the longest serving African American City Manager in the City’s history.  These are achievements that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  Many City Managers do not enjoy the tenure in their cities that I have had in the City of Inglewood, due to the dysfunction of their City Council members.  I have been blessed to work for a City Council that works well together and places the business of the City and the needs of each resident over politics and personal gain.  As such, I owe a debt of gratitude to Mayor James T. Butts, Jr. and Councilmembers Gloria Gray, Alex Padilla, Dionne Faulk, and Eloy Morales, as well as former Councilmembers George Dotson and Ralph Franklin.  They have all contributed to the amazing career that I have had in the City of Inglewood.  

I also want to thank all employees for the support you have given me as I did my part to lead this organization.  Your willingness to reimagine your jobs as I attempted to create departments that were more efficient, effective, and customer service-oriented was very much appreciated.  I could never have imagined when I accepted this position that I would be welcomed and supported by each one of you as you have done so graciously over the years.   I’s sure you all know that I did everything within my power to make City Hall a place where everyone felt heard and valued.   Your smiles, hugs, and our conversations about family and life let me know that you valued and respected me, not only as your City Manager, but also as your friend.  As such, I will leave my post knowing that I developed genuine friendships, which will last a lifetime. Lastly, I am incredibly proud that there are very competent and capable employees who have demonstrated their ability to lead this organization into the future.  Your fresh new ideas will continue to allow the vision of the Mayor and City Council to become a reality.

Artie Fields

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